Algoa Bay Council For The Aged Nelson Mandela Bay
National Lotteries Commission Lotto Funded

Home Help and Care

Sponsored Home Care Programme

For residents from our facilities who are in need of personal care yet cannot access institutional care for financial (cannot afford) or practical (no vacancies) reasons.

Beneficiaries must be classified as sub-economic and have minimal or no family assistance to qualify

Home Help

Algoa  Bay  Council for  the  Aged  have  employed home helpers and supplied a domestic service since 1973. This service is on a session basis in the homes of the elderly. This furthers the aim of community care as a small measure of assistance can ensure that elderly feel  competent  enough  to  remain  on in their own homes. The increasingly complicated labour regulations for domestic  workers also makes  it  easier for the elderly and those with similar needs to use the services of our workers rather than be the employer.

75% of the beneficiaries are over 70 years of age and most live in assisted living projects due to poor financial status.

Home Care

Home care referrals where trained home carers are placed in the homes of those who prefer care in their homes to institutional care or those who cannot access frail care.

Beneficiaries of this service are both the unemployed home carer who receives employment and the frail person who is able to receive care in the comfort and the familiar surroundings of their own home. Benefiting those:

  • in need of care at home,
  • recovering from an operation or a fall,
  • the chronically ill, including those with HIV/AIDS,
  • awaiting admission to frail care.
  • not frail enough to be admitted to frail care, but who need more care than can be provided by a family member or a domestic
  • who’s family work or are away
  • frail persons who prefer to remain at home with 24 hour care.
How can you help How can you help

Become a member of Algoa Bay Council for the Aged and make a rewarding contribution to your community.

What is donor deductable status? What is donor deductable status?

Algoa Bay Council for the Aged has donor deductible status by virtue of being a register Public Benefit Organisation. This enables ABCA to, under restrictive conditions, issue 18A receipts for donations of a specific type and nature. Not all donations will qualify for 18A status and the qualifying criteria are as determined by the SA Revenue Services in legislation.

Sponsors & Donors Sponsors & Donors

Thank you to all our ABCA Sponsors & Donors.